Your AFP of Utah leaders have set up a partnership with other regional AFP groups. The Rocky Mountain AFP, based in Denver, Colorado, is putting on an annual one day conference where you can gain 7.7 CTP credits and 6.0+ CPE credits. The event is on Friday, May 12, 2023 at the Ritz-Carlton hotel in downtown Denver.
As a member of AFP of Utah, you quality for the partner rate of $350 for the full event with 3 keynote general sessions, up to 12 educational track sessions, a pre-conference networking event and a full day of food and fun.
If you are interested, write Kim Lott (our AFP of Utah adminstrator) at to get help with registration. There are a limited block of discounted hotel rooms at the hotel available as well.
2023 Summit track schedule - inc PRE EVENT DRAFTv5.docx