Title: Crypto and Blockchain: What You Should Know
11:30 a.m.-12: 00 p.m. Arrival & Lunch
12:00-1:00 p.m. Presentation
Session Description: During this presentation, Snell & Wilmer Partner Eric L. Kintner will provide a general overview of cryptocurrency and blockchain and cover some of the hot topics surrounding both. Topics will include how blockchains work and who “controls” them, types of tokens and the evolving regulatory environment, applications for blockchain technology outside of cryptocurrency, and more. Speaker Biography: Eric focuses on providing clients with practical and business-centric legal advice. With more than a decade of experience across a broad range of industries, he is able to combine industry-specific knowledge with innovative solutions to help clients address challenges with complex legal and business issues across their local, regional and global operations.
From startups and emerging businesses to established companies, Eric represents clients in a variety of sectors, including:
Blockchain and Digital Currency
As co-chair of the Snell & Wilmer blockchain and digital currency group, Eric helps clients fund, develop, protect and commercialize blockchain technology. Such representation includes:
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